Who We Are

     Community Connections of Iowa provides service to the community, sponsors free family events, and promotes the good things happening in our community.

     After the derecho struck our community in 2020, a group of friends gathered to help others any way they could. Community Connections of Iowa still helps those in needs, but with so much discord happening in the world today, it is  more important than ever to remind people that things will get better if we just work together to make it happen.

     We believe that tolerance, patience, and understanding comes from the connection people establish when they work and play together. Together we can build a better community.

Our Mission

Community Connections of Iowa's mission to is to connect the community through free family events, clothes and food giveaways, and educating the community about what resources are available. Community Connections believes that by bringing people closer together, providing space for individuals to be who they are, and providing quality time for families, helps build a better community.

Anti-Discriminatory Statement

We, the members of Community Connections of Iowa, believe everyone should be treated equally regardless of race, sex, gender identification, sexual orientation, national origin, native language, religion, age, disability, marital status, citizenship, genetic information, pregnancy, or any other characteristic protected by law.

Our Core Values

Community Connections of Iowa Maintains the following Core Values:

  • Promote - We promote and support the well-being of families
  • Service - We provide service to the community
  • Events - We sponsor free family activities
  • Courage - We put aside our own fears to help others grow.
  • Collaboration - We work together to find solutions.
  • Equality - We promote equality for all.
  • Integrity - We hold ourselves to the higest standards.
  • Compassion - We treat others with dignity and empathy.
  • Respect - Everyone deserves the same respect.
  • Transparency - We are open to questions and feedback.